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Fort Wayne State School
In 1887 Indiana state legislators enacted a law providing for the establishment of the Indiana School for Feeble Minded Youth in Fort Wayne, one of the first institutions in the nation serving people with intellectual/developmental disabilities.…

Evil Things Were Happening Inside - Erika Steuterman on Her Brother's Time at Central State Hospital
Erika Steuterman visited the Indiana State Archive in 2013, as a way to face the difficult memories of visiting her older brother at Central State Hospital (Indianapolis) in the 1960s and 1970s. In this video, Erika shares some of those memories, and…

Looking Back Is Difficult - Paul Shankland on Fort Wayne State Hospital
“The mistreatment, people encouraged to mistreat each other,” explains Paul Shankland of his time as an activity therapy aide at Fort Wayne State Hospital from 1964 to 1971. In reflecting back on what he witnessed, Paul shares a story about a…

Restraint Use in State Institutions
“I mean, you know, people 40 years ago were locked in isolated areas,” describes Randy Krieble of restraints used in institutions. “The ammonia sprays were used especially in the children’s unit,” explains Sue Beecher. Professionals in the field of…

The Days Were Pretty Bleak - Sue Beecher on New Castle State Hospital
In 1977, Sue Beecher started her professional career at New Castle State Hospital in New Castle, Indiana. In this video, Sue recounts some of the institution's early history and speaks about her experiences working there.

Transcript: Ruth Stanley Interview
When Ruth Stanley moved to Indiana, she took a job at Fort Wayne State Hospital in 1968. She moved on to Central State Hospital in 1982. Ruth talks about the differences see saw in the two state hospitals. One big difference was the higher turnover…

Transcript: Sue Beecher Interview
"When I started in 1977, when people were admitted they brought with them what was called their death bag." The bag contained the clothing that residents of New Castle State Hospital were to be buried in. Sue Beecher recalls her employment at the…

Transcript: Paul Shankland Interview
In 1964, Paul decided to interview at the Fort Wayne State School as a recreation aide. They had football and baseball games, dances, and a summer camp. Although these activities were fun, the experience was different in retrospect. The daily living…

Transcript: Randy Krieble Interview
"People coming into the business today, I can't imagine them seeing the advancement and the progress that we saw." Randy Krieble talks about witnessing the evolution of institutional custody and control of people with disablities into…